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We can no more separate the way we experience any given moment from the level of consciousness involved in the way it unfolds than we can separate waves of water from the ocean that gives rise to them.
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Student Talks: 1/29/2021 - Key Lesson: Just as a those who climb mountains must, at times, reach above themselves to gain a grip on a narrow ledge, we too must dare to go beyond ourselves if we wish to reach, let alone change our destiny. To that end, we must never forget the following truth: There's no danger in self-ascent...
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Topics Covered: To realize the truth of something means that there is a corresponding part of ourselves that resonates with it. Until we see the truth of something about ourselves, we are not going to change; Before we can change our destiny, we must wake up to the commands that are being given to us by a lower nature, sending us in circles. That lower nature loves...
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Student Talks: 12/18/2020 - Key Lesson: Part 1: The Divine journey begins with our gradual awakening to the timeless depth and breadth of our own sleeping consciousness. All that we are, and hope to be already resides therein... waiting to reveal its Light to whoever will dare make the leap into the seeming darkness...
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Topics Covered:There is an impulse to set out upon the "Divine Journey" because the journey(s) we take in this world are the source of dissatisfaction;There is alignment with the Divine, or there is the illusion of alignment;All creatures have consciousness and are aware of their surroundings, and that level of consciousness sees everything as being other than itself...
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Topics Covered: Until there is a new awareness of consciousness, the divided consciousness is the observer; The observer never judges, instead the observer sees the judge; Explaining the reaction is the same as avoiding awareness of it; A hurricane serves the broader celestial system; The divided consciousness only wants awareness of something for the sake of what it wants...
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Student Talks: 4/24/2020 - Key Lesson: It's NEVER life's lessons themselves that are painful: the real problem, which is the same as the reason why we groan in these moments -- instead of grow from them -- is that there's something in our present level of consciousness that does NOT want that lesson!
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Topic: Fulfilling and Perfecting the Purpose of the Moment (6/2/19 Classroom Talk)
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Topic: Fulfilling and Perfecting the Purpose of the Moment (6/2/19 Classroom Talk)
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Student Talks: 2/15/2019 - Key Lesson: The passage of life’s events, including the innumerable relationships through which they are revealed, can either grind us down, or serve to remove our rough, sharp edges; so that whether we feel punished or are polished by our relationships in life all depends upon how well...
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We are not meant to keep our eye on some "tomorrow" from which we blindly borrow the false pleasure of what "might be." Such dreams serve nothing save the sleeping self, an imagined sense of "self" that always realizes, too late, that its "hope in things seen" is the same as tomorrow's sorrow.
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