The sure way to guarantee that those painful voices in your head will continue to disturb you... is to keep listening to what they have to say about your life!
Being in conscious relationship with what is Holy in life is only as possible as we are willing to see, and to be, accordingly, the whole of who and what we are in each moment.
It's not the unwanted moment that limits our possibilities, but rather that we meet it from a limited part of us; where, without our knowing it, an unconscious nature has already decided not just the meaning of that event, but what we can -- or cannot -- do about it; where our choices in each moment are predetermined by our conditioned reaction to it.
It should be obvious, but it's not: we can't protect our heart and keep it open at the same time, any more than it's possible to be covered by a shadow, and feel the caress of a sunbeam touching our face.
The more any thought pushes you to run toward a time of some anticipated rest, the more you should work to slow down to see the following truth: with one hand, an unconscious self points to a "peace just ahead," even as its other hand is stirring up some form of anxiety that you might not get there!
Attending to, completing what each moment asks of us is the business of Real Life. In the silence of this relationship is revealed and received the wisdom and wealth of True Self. These timeless riches include: a faith no fear can shake, and a freedom that no unwanted moment can ever take from you.
Spiritual blindness is not of the eye; (it is) the dark effect of being unconsciously identified with a lower level of consciousness that has no interest in looking beyond its own deeply conditioned beliefs... for fear of falling off the edge of the only world it knows.
The more we allow our mind to drift where -- and will -- as it pleases, the more likely will we find ourselves having fallen into some form of unexpected suffering. Being in full command of ourselves is inseparable from being in command of our attention; there is no other order, and no other freedom.
The only thing a thousand failed attempts to find the peace we seek proves is this: some unknown part of us -- we've mistaken as being us -- keeps us looking in all the wrong places! This is why we must have new, true self-knowledge, because the journey to silent joy begins within us, or not at all.
Once we learn what it means to see the truth of ourselves -- to accept each revelation as a herald of the healing it brings -- then we will not only understand what it means to accept each moment as it is given, but we will also learn to be grateful for what it has come to teach us about ourselves.
In this life, death is inevitable; but living in fear of it... is not. And though it is a paradox, to be sure, to see that we live as “prisoners” of our own imagined fears reveals the unimaginable possibility of making the leap into a new, and higher level of being that never dies.
Where is tomorrow's fear other than in today's imagination? And, if this is true -- and IT IS -- then what to do with our attention in the here and now? Let it be swallowed up in the dark shadow of what "may be"...or hold it in the Light of awareness where no shadow can dwell, let alone its fear?