When we have moments where someone or something does what is upsetting to us, we look out and see a world that is out of order, do we not? And the pain we are experiencing in that moment cannot be separated from our perception that this person, this thing is wrong and out of order.
But what would happen to a human being who began to understand that the moment is never out of order? And that really what's out of order is the reaction that is pained because it's looking at something in terms of how it had imagined it should be, and that's not what is?
In that same moment, one would be able to understand that pain --although I do feel it -- is not my pain. Is it the instrument suffering? Yes! But it is not my pain, meaning the pain I feel does not arise in me of itself, but is the product of resisting what I believe life should be like.
Here I am and I'm in pain because somebody is not doing what they're supposed to do. My reaction is, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" You know the drill: my pain. No, it's not my pain! It's a pain produced in me by identification with associations and memories of whatever one's nature was through time, and now life is challenging its order -- it's opinion, its esteemed self. If I take that pain as mine, then I will be the one trying to protect it at all costs.
If my pain is: "You shouldn't be like this," then what is my solution? "You should change." And we believe our solutions are intended to bring us peace when they actually come from a nature that is disturbance itself!
When I understand that it's not my pain, then a new observer, a new witness to the moment can appear to guide us. Something altogether fresh, newly created, can see that this anger, this worry, this regret I'm feeling belongs to a part of myself -- no question about it -- but that part of myself is not my true Self.
If used properly, in any moment the negative reaction arises, I understand it's not my pain. I am there before the false solution appears, and I dismiss the false solution. And what happens when I start dismissing false solutions? My mind gets quiet. I find peace.
One day, if you work at this, you will not be able to live with yourself as you are any more. You just won't be able to do it. You won't be able to have reasons for negative reactions. You won't be able to have anyone to blame for one thing you feel. You won't! Your past will simply be a convenient memory when necessary, and, other than that, it will have no authority to enter your life, and you won't want it in your life. Your friends, family, and the rest of the humanity around you will all be there though to help you find in yourself a deeper and more meaningful order with the part of you that helped you see you couldn't live where you live anymore.