Letting go is the journey and it never ends. Never. It only begins -- over and over again -- each time we can glimpse something higher than our own painful certainty over who we think we are. So it is here, within ourselves, that the work of letting go must be done. To fully see what is unwanted by us begins with revealing what is unknown...
Whenever we find ourselves in some "unwanted" part of ourselves, perhaps reliving an old heartache or caught in the throws of some irrepressible anger, old fear, or unyielding worry, part of this unwanted moment includes our certainty that we're trapped in this condition. And compounding our confusion over feeling ourselves captive in this way are all of the attending negative inner voices. Th...
Discouragement is a negative emotion with more than one trick up its dark sleeve. It tricks you into mentally or emotionally dwelling in the very place you want to leave. Drop all such sorrow permanently by daring to see through this deception of the unconscious mind. The very fact that you know there's farther to go before your journey to freedom is complete also tells you that wherever you...
Starting life over is something we must do every second. We must not wait until we want to start over because at that point wanting to start life over is only our futile wish to avoid what has already happened. We are tied to whatever we avoid, so trying to start our life over because we want to get away from our sad-self -- or the sorry situations it has created -- is like leaping onto a sink...
Topics covered: What this consciousness that we are born into sees, is not the real world; Close encounters of the truthful kind; The pain of any experience is created by coming into that moment already sure of how that moment should go; What IS can only be what is, and we presently live outside of what is; We are intended to exit every moment we enter as a different order of human being.
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Topics covered: The root of fear is the mistaken belief that something outside of yourself can make you whole; The fearful self must defend itself against anything that threatens its image; Who you really are has no beginning and no end. But you must stop trying to save yourself in order to really know that; Not wanting a negative state actually nourishes it. Resistance is a form of negative attraction.
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Topics covered: Real evolution is the awakening of the soul to its natural relationship to that which created it; We are created to transcend every split second whatever it is that you become aware of that needs to be transcended; The true aspirant has the sense that something is missing, and that the journey back home is inward, the path of negation; Awakening is discovering that here is there.
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Topics covered: Real evolution is the awakening of the soul to its natural relationship to that which created it; We are created to transcend every split second whatever it is that you become aware of that needs to be transcended; The true aspirant has the sense that something is missing, and that the journey back home is inward, the path of negation; Awakening is discovering that here is there.
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Topics covered: We can never change our past by thinking about it. The past cannot be changed by revisiting it; Letting go begins with seeing where it is that we have been passive to thought telling us who and what we are; How can we have a quiet mind and content heart as long as outside conditions determine what makes us happy?; The source of all psychological suffering is not-wanting.
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The pain you go through when there is a higher purpose behind it is not the same as the pain when there is no useful purpose. Pain gives you a purpose that serves nothing but the nature that serves it. The clearer that becomes, you will no longer be afraid to "sell all" in moments when you are invited to turn the other cheek and not speak out from your suffering.
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This content is only available with Basic Membership
This content is only available with Basic Membership