Student Q&A With Guy
You have several opportunities to ask your questions of Guy directly and hear his eye-opening, often surprising answers.
Topics covered: You live in a world you can’t see. And the world you do see is like looking through binoculars from the wrong end; Each moment is inevitable. There is not one thing any of us can do to change the moment as it is taking place; The moment is not what you think the moment is -- it is an irrevocable, infinite intersection and interaction between all that exists...
Topics covered: Ying and yang are opposing characters but they live in a complementary relationship, as opposed to one pushing out and the other pushing back. They appear together constantly. Nothing I try to push away isn't pushing back as I'm doing it; Karma is the consistent, perfect, harmonious relationship between opposing forces; You can't escape any sense of unrest as long as you don't want it...
Topics covered: The mind seeks in time what can only be given in the present moment, which is a relationship with the Divine that is already being given to you; Tension is the gap between what you imagine you need and how long it takes to get there; You will never find peace in a time to come. It doesn't exist there. The idea of a "time to come" is the very disturbance in which you live because you believe in things that you don't understand...
Topics covered: You have one problem in life, which is what you don't know about yourself, exacerbated by a part of you that doesn't want to know anything; It is impossible to wish for true revelation and ask to see the truth of yourself without being given the truth you've asked to see; What we are always thinking about is, "How do I reconcile this disturbance I feel right now?" It's the endless quest of a runaway mind...
Topics covered: The degree to which you see the truth of yourself is the degree to which you will be a free human being; It is in the revelation of your limitations that you are set free from identification with those limitations; Only human beings, no other creature, can decide for themselves what they give their attention to; It is impossible to see that Life is always changing until we agree to let Life change us as well...
Topics covered: We have spent our entire lives running away from pain that we don't understand, hoping to reach a permanent pleasure in a time to come; The so-called heaven that we try to reach through thought always reveals itself to be a present self-created hell; "Thirty spokes share the hub of a wheel; yet it is its center that makes it useful. You can mould clay into a vessel; yet, it is its emptiness that makes it useful...
Topics covered: "Who am I?" and "What should I do?" are underneath just about every question we ask about life; There is no problem outside of what we have yet to understand about ourselves; If we had a real understanding of levels and scale, we would not be frantically asking "Who am I?" and "What should I do?" all day long; The perfect reflection of yourself is always there to be seen in each and every moment...
Topics covered: Real self-transformation requires self-knowledge; Certainty is nothing but masked uncertainty that is really the wish to be secure; Be more interested in observing your reactions than you are interested in what those reactions say you need to do in order to be free from the disturbance. See what reactions tell you is true about the moment; Challenging the mystery of your reactions is the same as challenging the mystery of yourself...
Topics covered: When does the world change? When you change the way you see the world; The blessed ones through the ages have tried to convey the idea that you need new eyes to see what is in front of you all the time but that you don’t currently see. And the reason you don’t see is because the impressions that are intended to produce a real change are deflected by all kinds of buffers — beliefs, conditions, longings.
Topics covered: Our present level of consciousness believes it is natural and wise to not-want what we are experiencing; The sensation of life is not life. Believing that sensation is life is a trap perpetuated by a level of consciousness that pursues sensations that it is already familiar with because it produces a familiar sense of self; You don't need to imagine what it is like to be spiritual, because -- when you remember...
Topics covered: When does the world change? When you change the way you see the world; The blessed ones through the ages have tried to convey the idea that you need new eyes to see what is in front of you all the time but that you don’t currently see. And the reason you don’t see is because the impressions that are intended to produce a real change are deflected by all kinds of buffers — beliefs, conditions, longings.
Topics covered: In any moment that you see beauty, you are not searching for anything to complete yourself; The world tells us that the way to complete ourselves is through acquisition, achievement and approval; We spend almost our entire lives trying to find the "partner of the moment" to complete us. Every partner we imagine has to be re-imagined when it doesn't live up to what we thought it would be...