Student Q&A With Guy
You have several opportunities to ask your questions of Guy directly and hear his eye-opening, often surprising answers.
Topics covered: Real self-transformation requires self-knowledge; Certainty is nothing but masked uncertainty that is really the wish to be secure; Be more interested in observing your reactions than you are interested in what those reactions say you need to do in order to be free from the disturbance. See what reactions tell you is true about the moment; Challenging the mystery of your reactions is the same as challenging the mystery of yourself...
Topics covered: When does the world change? When you change the way you see the world; The blessed ones through the ages have tried to convey the idea that you need new eyes to see what is in front of you all the time but that you don’t currently see. And the reason you don’t see is because the impressions that are intended to produce a real change are deflected by all kinds of buffers — beliefs, conditions, longings.
Topics covered: Our present level of consciousness believes it is natural and wise to not-want what we are experiencing; The sensation of life is not life. Believing that sensation is life is a trap perpetuated by a level of consciousness that pursues sensations that it is already familiar with because it produces a familiar sense of self; You don't need to imagine what it is like to be spiritual, because -- when you remember...
Topics covered: When does the world change? When you change the way you see the world; The blessed ones through the ages have tried to convey the idea that you need new eyes to see what is in front of you all the time but that you don’t currently see. And the reason you don’t see is because the impressions that are intended to produce a real change are deflected by all kinds of buffers — beliefs, conditions, longings.
Topics covered: In any moment that you see beauty, you are not searching for anything to complete yourself; The world tells us that the way to complete ourselves is through acquisition, achievement and approval; We spend almost our entire lives trying to find the "partner of the moment" to complete us. Every partner we imagine has to be re-imagined when it doesn't live up to what we thought it would be...
Topics covered: When does the world change? When you change the way you see the world; The blessed ones through the ages have tried to convey the idea that you need new eyes to see what is in front of you all the time but that you don’t currently see. And the reason you don’t see is because the impressions that are intended to produce a real change are deflected by all kinds of buffers — beliefs, conditions, longings.
Topics covered: When you are reliving any moment, you can't be reborn; Transfiguration is when something old isn't just renewed, but is remade in another image so that it is uplifted, glorified, and beautified as a result of its relationship with what has acted upon it; Something hasn't taken your freedom from you -- you have given your freedom away without knowing it. There is no freedom outside of a relationship with God...
Topics covered: New, true self-knowledge reorders the world that you see. You see the world through the order of your mind - but right now the order of your mind is the world’s order; When you see the truth of something, that truth creates stillness; Feeling good about the work isn't the same as doing the work. There is a part of you always looking for a way to get around what needs to be done.
Topics covered: The purpose of a parable is to stir a mental, emotional, and physical impression; As in the parable of the talents, each person is given talents for the purpose of making the most of what they are given to be. To be the best you can be means to take what you have been given and transform it and increase it in the way only you can do...
Topics covered: When without falling into any form of despair, depression, or regret, you begin to lose all interest in looking for yourself in any image or belief - because the taste of yourself no longer tastes good to you - that's when you begin to wake up; The mind sees in parts -- sometimes through our intellect, sometimes emotion, sometimes sensation; Lower nature is constructed so as to identify with the parts of the whole, not the whole...
Topics covered: If you want to know why you don't have the kinds of impressions that change your life, it's because impressions don't come without humility. Humility is inseparable from true impressions; A single impression can change the entire direction of a person's life. When there is an actual impression, it changes the nature of what it has impressed itself upon; There are moments when, through an impression...
Topics covered: What you suffer from and don't know that you suffer from are all of your solutions to your suffering; What is the one thing you always do in a moment you fear or dread? You look for a way to rescue yourself; Your rescuing actions are inseparable from the moments that you feel are wrecking your life; What is it that gives me the solution to my reactions? The consciousness that has that reaction...